WCW Nitro: January 20, 1997

  • Alex Wright vs. Chris Jericho
  • nWo Sting vs. Scotty Riggs
  • Arn Anderson & Steve McMichael vs. Eddie Guerrero & Jeff Jarrett
  • WCW World Cruiserweight Championship: Dean Malenko vs. The Ultimo Dragon
  • WCW World Television Championship: Jacques Rougeau vs. Lord Steven Regal
  • Chris Benoit vs. Kevin Sullivan
  • Carl Ouelette vs. Jim Duggan
  • Dave Taylor vs. Masahiro Chono
  • Booker T vs. Scott Hall defeated
  • Lex Luger vs. Stevie Ray
  • **Dark Match** WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match: Hollywood Hogan vs. Lex Luger

Editors’ Comments / Rating

Compared to: https://www.ckpunk.com/wwf-raw-january-20-1997/

C. K. Punk: Another enjoyable WCW nitro. My thoughts:

  • Macho Man sitting in the ring was humorous to an extent, but lacked a realistic ending. Sting being able to shove him around with the bat and then both just walk way doesn’t make a lot of sense to me an was anticlimactic.
  • When Stevie Ray came out announcer made comment:” didn’t this guy just get beat up…oh this is the other one”. Funny moment, and he was obviously referring to the “other” tag team partner, in today’s politically correct culture, I doubt a comment like this would fly well.
  • Commentator made a reference to a “bogus Sting” when the nWo Sting came out. I am new to WCW and am not very familiar with this story line, but, it is apparent that there is the real Sting and a fake Sting. The commentators have been playing along as if they believed Sting really did join the nWo, or at least were not sure. This comment seems out of place, so I am wondering if commentator slipped up here?

My rating:

Acting: 3
Commentating: 3
Match Excitement: 3
Production Quality: 4
Story: 3


My rating:

Acting: ?
Commentating: ?
Match Excitement: ?
Production Quality: ?
Story: ?


Match Excitement
Production Quality

WWF RAW: January 20, 1997

  • WWF World Tag Team Championship: Doug Furnas & Phile LaFon vs. Owen Hart & The British Bulldog
  • Bart Gunn vs. Faarooq
  • Undertaker vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin

Editors’ Comments / Rating

Compared to: https://www.ckpunk.com/wcw-nitro-january-20-1997/

C. K. Punk: To start with, I must say that I am pleasantly surprised this week with this episode of RAW. I believe that the production quality stepped up some over the past couple weeks. Coming out of the Royal Rumble that occurred the previous night, Stone Cold’s “tainted victory” was mixed into the story line and I thought the 48 minute show had a good balance and flow between drama, brawls, and matches.

Some thoughts:

  • Bret Hart and Stone Cold’s acting was top notch. They are very believable characters. It isn’t corny or over the top; it is well done and draws me into the conflict.
  • Stone Cold got a microphone that didn’t work. I assume this was not planned, but it was humerus how he cussed out the audio guys.
  • Commentary between JR and the King was funny tonight and I was happy to hear their commentary for most of the night. I am not a fan of Vince commentating and have not liked The Honky Tonk Man’s commentary either. Nor other wrestlers. Lines like: “I may have to have my smile surgically removed….Bret Hart has quit the world wrestling federation” made for some good laughs.
  • Kind of sick of the “Anything can happen” mantra that is preached by Vince. Third episode into the new year and it is getting pretty old. It just seems like overselling RAW.

My rating:

Acting: 3
Commentating: 4
Match Excitement: 3
Production Quality: 3
Story: 4

Format Improvement. finally, the show seems like it may hold up to some expectations. 1997, 3 weeks in, still with the 80’s music in the opening theme? I can’t wait for that to change.

Why were the announcers not at their table? standing in front of the spanish announcers table? what was up with that?

Bret Hart comments and Stone Cold Response was quite entertaining. so far, I’m seeing a major improvement here. I’m almost convinced that Bret Hart Response to Royal Rumble was legit and not part of the show.

Doug Fernas and Phillip Lafonte are still unknown to me (other than Jan 6th raw), but I still find them to be impressive with their wrestling skills, still somehow, this match did not maintain my interest very long.

Farooq v Bart Gunn was an excellent match. first one to keep my interest throughout.

The announcement by monsoon was just what I would expect from a show with any dignity. indeed, the 4 way elimination should prove to be and outstanding match. Of course they would make that for a ppv, but this wrestlemania promo provided an outstanding match between stone cold and the undertaker. I was thoroughly entertained as I should be.

Raw has finally stepped up.

My Rating:

Acting: 3
Commentating: 3
Match Excitement: 3
Production Quality: 3
Story: 4

Match Excitement
Production Quality

WCW Nitro: January 13, 1997

  • Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Mr. JL
  • Jim Duggan vs. Super Calo ended in a no contest
  • Chris Jericho vs. Sgt. Craig Pittman
  • Harlem Heat (Booker T & Stevie Ray) (w/ Sister Sherri) vs. High Voltage (Kenny Kaos & Robbie Rage)
  • Diamond Dallas Page vs. Mark Starr
  • Dean Malenko vs. Eddie Guerrero
  • Konnan (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Super Calo
  • Chris Benoit (w/ Woman) vs. Jeff Jarrett
  • Billy Kidman vs. Scotty Riggs
  • Lex Luger vs. Rick Fuller
  • Arn Anderson vs. Rick Steiner (w/ Scott Steiner)
  • The Giant vs.Hulk Hogan (w/ Ted Dibiase)

Editors’ Comments / Rating:

Compared to: https://www.ckpunk.com/wwf-raw-january-13-1997/

C. K. Punk:

My rating:

Commentating: 3
Match Excitement: 3
Production Quality: 4
Story: 4


My rating:

Commentating: ?
Match Excitement: ?
Production Quality: ?
Story: ?


Match Excitement
Production Quality

WWF RAW: January 13, 1997

  • Goldust & Marc Mero vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley & Jerry Lawler
  • The British Bulldog vs. The Rock
  • Crush vs. Undertaker

Editors’ Comments / Rating

Compared to: https://www.ckpunk.com/wcw-nitro-january-13-1997/

C. K. Punk:

My rating:

Commentating: 3
Match Excitement: 3
Production Quality: 2
Story: 2


this 2nd episode of raw seemed better to start. after the 80’s sounding intro music, this first match was exciting and entertaining. the main mistakes I noticed were: 1) when Goldust hit HHH then turned and hit Lawler before continuing on HHH, but the timing was off. Goldust was on fire, but HHH stopped, looked at Goldust and turning himself fell back onto the ropes. 2) Goldust knocked HHH back into the ropes, camera cut for a second, and suddenly HHH is tied up in the ropes?? major fumble on their part. This episode does seem improved from the first, but not a whole lot.

My rating:

Acting: 3
Commentating: 2
Match Excitement: 3
Production Quality: 2
Story: 3


Match Excitement
Production Quality

WCW Nitro: January 6, 1997

  • Beautiful Bobby vs. Glacier
  • Big Bubba vs. Konnan
  • Jim Duggan vs. Lord Steven Regal
  • Hugh Morrus vs. Jim Powers
  • Psychosis vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.
  • Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. The Taskmaster
  • WCW United States Heavyweight Championship: Alex Wright vs. Eddie Guerrero
  • The Amazing French Canadians vs. Harlem Heat
  • Lex Luger vs. Meng

Editors’ Comments / Rating

Compared to: https://www.ckpunk.com/wwf-raw-january-6-1997/

C. K. Punk: I first got into wrestling back in 1997, watching primarily Monday Night Raw. I am surprised to see how “raw” (no pun intended) the production quality is on this compared to what I remember for the RAW is WAR format. I suspect that this will improve a lot when RAW goes to 2 hour format and especially the RAW is WAR theme. For right now, WCW has a large edge in production quality over WWF.

I must say that I am overall impressed at the production quality of WCW, especially when considering its WWF counterpart. There is a good balance of drama and matches, as well as match variety. This is literally the first time I watched more than a couple minutes of a WCW Nitro episode, let alone the full two hours. Some various thoughts here:

  • I find Rick Flair very annoying. His “woooooo” every few words is obnoxious.
  • Commentary was overall good, but it did get a bit silly towards the latter part with the bickering and the intentional long, convoluted statements.
  • Surprised to see Hulk/Hollywood hogan as heel. Also, does he paint his unshaven portion of his beard black?

My rating:

Acting: 3
Commentating: 3
Match Excitement: 3
Production Quality: 3
Story: 3


My rating:

Acting: 3
Commentating: 3
Match Excitement: 4
Production Quality: 4
Story: 4


Match Excitement
Production Quality

WWF RAW: January 6, 1997

  • Mankind vs. Owen Hart
  • Doug Furnas & Phil LaFon vs. Fake Diesel & Fake Razor Ramon
  • Bret Hart vs. Vader

Editors’ Comments / Rating

Compared to: https://www.ckpunk.com/wcw-nitro-january-6-1997/

C. K. Punk: I first got into wrestling back in 1997, watching primarily Monday Night Raw. I am surprised to see how “raw” (no pun intended) the production quality is on this compared to what I remember for the RAW is WAR format. I suspect that this will improve a lot when RAW goes to 2 hour format and especially the RAW is WAR theme. For right now, WCW has a large edge in production quality over WWF.

The acting seems over the top, almost like that of an outlandish cartoon. To the contrary, WCW gives the feel that we are watching a “real” sport like boxing or UFC, which I prefer. I never did like Paul Bearer and still don’t. I am a huge Mic Foley fan, but didn’t seem to feel any connection to Mankind this episode. Vader and Shawn Michael were over the top as well. Bret Hart is really the only wrestler that I think seemed believable.

Keep in mind, I am 100% a WWF fan. That is virtually all that I watched when I was into wrestling as a kid/teenager. I no doubt began watching soon before WWF started to win the rating wars and I can see now why WCW was top dog at the time. I fully expect my opinion of WCW vs. WWF is going to change once the RAW is WAR format begins, along with the attitude era.

My Rating:

Acting: 2
Commentating: 3
Match Excitement: 3
Production Quality: 2
Story: 2

Erock: I remember watching wrestling with my dad in the early days. A Sting fan from the beginning, I was mostly a WCW boy. I didn’t get into wrestling on my own until the 96/97 range. As I got into wrestling more, I began to explore the WWE (then WWF) wrestling as well as WCW. in the realm of WWE/F, I have always been partial (as with many other fans) to Stone Cold and The Rock. These early 97 Raw episodes are completely new to me, although I am familiar with most of the wrestlers.

In this first episode which aired on Jan. 06 1997 I was immediately struck by the awkwardness of Vader’s ‘over the top’ acting. Then seeing Owen Hart Standing there looking all oiled up and posing with a trophy. this seemed a bit cheesy. Mankind was kind of interesting with his entrance, and I did enjoy this 1st match a little, but the timing was off a few times, and at one point I witnessed something strange. A double reversal is a good move, but Owen never lifted his arms from his sides in this process. interesting feat. then comes the team of Razor Ramon & ‘Big Daddy Cool’ Diesel, who were both in WCW as Hall & Nash, but the obvious impostors were awkwardly acknowledged by the commentators, and smoothed over with a subject change and continued with .. what? deceiving the fans? I am not deceived, just disgusted. This team that faced the impostors, seemed to be well versed in moves, speed, agility.. I was impressed by their performance most in the entire show up to this point. I found the Hart v Vader match to be pretty decent on excitement, but I was confused a little about the ref telling Vader not to go on top rope? was there a no top rope rule in place at this time? Finally, the ending of the show was pretty decent, but I felt like this show lived up to a mid week or weekend standard. Monday Night? not quite!

My Rating:

Acting: 2
Commentating: 2
Match Excitement: 2
Production Quality: 2
Story: 3

Match Excitement
Production Quality