WCW Nitro: January 20, 1997

  • Alex Wright vs. Chris Jericho
  • nWo Sting vs. Scotty Riggs
  • Arn Anderson & Steve McMichael vs. Eddie Guerrero & Jeff Jarrett
  • WCW World Cruiserweight Championship: Dean Malenko vs. The Ultimo Dragon
  • WCW World Television Championship: Jacques Rougeau vs. Lord Steven Regal
  • Chris Benoit vs. Kevin Sullivan
  • Carl Ouelette vs. Jim Duggan
  • Dave Taylor vs. Masahiro Chono
  • Booker T vs. Scott Hall defeated
  • Lex Luger vs. Stevie Ray
  • **Dark Match** WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match: Hollywood Hogan vs. Lex Luger

Editors’ Comments / Rating

Compared to: https://www.ckpunk.com/wwf-raw-january-20-1997/

C. K. Punk: Another enjoyable WCW nitro. My thoughts:

  • Macho Man sitting in the ring was humorous to an extent, but lacked a realistic ending. Sting being able to shove him around with the bat and then both just walk way doesn’t make a lot of sense to me an was anticlimactic.
  • When Stevie Ray came out announcer made comment:” didn’t this guy just get beat up…oh this is the other one”. Funny moment, and he was obviously referring to the “other” tag team partner, in today’s politically correct culture, I doubt a comment like this would fly well.
  • Commentator made a reference to a “bogus Sting” when the nWo Sting came out. I am new to WCW and am not very familiar with this story line, but, it is apparent that there is the real Sting and a fake Sting. The commentators have been playing along as if they believed Sting really did join the nWo, or at least were not sure. This comment seems out of place, so I am wondering if commentator slipped up here?

My rating:

Acting: 3
Commentating: 3
Match Excitement: 3
Production Quality: 4
Story: 3


My rating:

Acting: ?
Commentating: ?
Match Excitement: ?
Production Quality: ?
Story: ?


Match Excitement
Production Quality

WWF RAW: January 20, 1997

  • WWF World Tag Team Championship: Doug Furnas & Phile LaFon vs. Owen Hart & The British Bulldog
  • Bart Gunn vs. Faarooq
  • Undertaker vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin

Editors’ Comments / Rating

Compared to: https://www.ckpunk.com/wcw-nitro-january-20-1997/

C. K. Punk: To start with, I must say that I am pleasantly surprised this week with this episode of RAW. I believe that the production quality stepped up some over the past couple weeks. Coming out of the Royal Rumble that occurred the previous night, Stone Cold’s “tainted victory” was mixed into the story line and I thought the 48 minute show had a good balance and flow between drama, brawls, and matches.

Some thoughts:

  • Bret Hart and Stone Cold’s acting was top notch. They are very believable characters. It isn’t corny or over the top; it is well done and draws me into the conflict.
  • Stone Cold got a microphone that didn’t work. I assume this was not planned, but it was humerus how he cussed out the audio guys.
  • Commentary between JR and the King was funny tonight and I was happy to hear their commentary for most of the night. I am not a fan of Vince commentating and have not liked The Honky Tonk Man’s commentary either. Nor other wrestlers. Lines like: “I may have to have my smile surgically removed….Bret Hart has quit the world wrestling federation” made for some good laughs.
  • Kind of sick of the “Anything can happen” mantra that is preached by Vince. Third episode into the new year and it is getting pretty old. It just seems like overselling RAW.

My rating:

Acting: 3
Commentating: 4
Match Excitement: 3
Production Quality: 3
Story: 4

Format Improvement. finally, the show seems like it may hold up to some expectations. 1997, 3 weeks in, still with the 80’s music in the opening theme? I can’t wait for that to change.

Why were the announcers not at their table? standing in front of the spanish announcers table? what was up with that?

Bret Hart comments and Stone Cold Response was quite entertaining. so far, I’m seeing a major improvement here. I’m almost convinced that Bret Hart Response to Royal Rumble was legit and not part of the show.

Doug Fernas and Phillip Lafonte are still unknown to me (other than Jan 6th raw), but I still find them to be impressive with their wrestling skills, still somehow, this match did not maintain my interest very long.

Farooq v Bart Gunn was an excellent match. first one to keep my interest throughout.

The announcement by monsoon was just what I would expect from a show with any dignity. indeed, the 4 way elimination should prove to be and outstanding match. Of course they would make that for a ppv, but this wrestlemania promo provided an outstanding match between stone cold and the undertaker. I was thoroughly entertained as I should be.

Raw has finally stepped up.

My Rating:

Acting: 3
Commentating: 3
Match Excitement: 3
Production Quality: 3
Story: 4

Match Excitement
Production Quality